The Convenience Insight Partnership – helping brands make the most out of the convenience channel

05May Helping brands make the most out of the convenience channel


High StreetIt’s long been known that the convenience channel has been in growth, especially in the past 14 months when people have flocked to their local stores due to the ongoing pandemic. Whilst general growth is a positive, we are more interested in ensuring growth is targeted and sustainable for the brands that we help.

Last year, Acosta Europe partnered with Talysis, one of the leaders in convenience and wholesale data. Together we created the Convenience Insight Partnership, a collective that seeks to create a sustainable growth solution for brands in Convenience. Since then, we have been able to help all kinds of brands – both big and small – achieve their potential in this market.

In our recent whitepaper, Know your customer: how brands can use sales data to maximise their profits in convenience, we demonstrated that high quality, consistent and regular EPOS data is vital for brand planning and successful growth strategies in the channel.

Convenience Insight Partnership LogoThe Convenience Insight Partnership is about harnessing Talysis’ data and know-how of bulding reliable EPOS sources, analysing it and providing an output in a way that benefits brands. Combine that with Acosta Europe’s award-winning convenience teams, channel knowledge and network of representatives, the Convenience Insight Partnership provides a solution that supports sustainable growth from strategy to implementation.

Anthony Carr, Managing Director at Acosta Europe, said “It’s about optimising field sales and retail execution, and knowing where to utilise digital marketing to drive the benefit that brands crave.”

“The reporting and the insight the Convenience Insight Partnership brings also helps FMCG manufacturers to know if their innovation or distribution is really working, and if not then why not and what does that mean for future plans in terms of channel strategy.”

“Our tools can be used very tactically but actually the most important thing is if a manufacturer creates a new promotional programme, or puts a new shopper marketing programme together, is to check whether it is working and if it is paying back. It all comes down to demonstrating ROI.”

What value does the Convenience Insight Partnership offer?

Watch a short video about how we have helped during the pandemic.

Naturally, the potential for growth varies from brand to brand, however, we know that there is opportunity for brands of all sizes and the Convenience Insight Partnership is there to realise that potential.

Through our analysis we identified potential sales uplifts of over £2 million per year for a brand with just five product lines in Convenience.

For us, it’s not just identifying the opportunity – we want to help you achieve it.

We’re not just offering the data and insight. We don’t want to add to your workloads or add unnecessary expense into your processes.

We help you identify the opportunity, work collaboratively on a strategy to achieve your brand’s potential in convenience and then execute it.

It’s not just brands that will benefit from this approach, with increased sales supporting local, independent retailers continue their growth at a local level.

Ed Roberts, Managing Director of Talysis, said, “If data is shared then FMCG brands will send the right people with the right tools to help grow that business,” Roberts from Talysis concludes.

“Brands would not be doing speculative calls on retailers, they are going to be making targeted calls to tell retailers that there is a significant impact that brands can make with this piece of kit or product. This means it becomes much more targeted rather than casting a net to see what sticks.”

How can we help

Convenience has long been seen in the shadow of Grocery – at least in terms of available, consistent data – and brands have had to cede control away to wholesalers, buying groups and retailers. With the Convenience Insight Partnership, we are creating an opportunity for brands to lead from the front and support the channel with the same level of insight and strategy as Grocery.

We believe that a short call with one of our team can open up greater opportunities in Convenience for all types of brands.
Ready to take that next step? Leave us a message and we will come back to you with an enticing proposal, or you can phone us on 01483 711300.

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